Tuesday, January 29, 2013

All About Me

 My name is Emilie spelled with a "y" but I like it spelled with "ie". I am a pretty laid back person. I enjoy just relaxing at home by myself with my kitten and boyfriend. I do hang out with friends, but I have always been a "to myself" person. Ever since I can remember I have always wanted to be a teacher. When I was a child I used to pretend to read books to a class. My homework always got done because I would pretend to be teaching a class. That helped me learn too! So I would say I was born to be a teacher. I have been teaching in daycare centers since I was sixteen and I am almost twenty-six. I would like to teach second grade though.

I am a transfer student from HACC in Harrisburg, PA. I studied Elementary Education there so I am a transfer student. While I was at HACC I took a class that required twenty hours of field experience in an elementary school, not daycare. Being in a second grade classroom was such a neat experience. I loved seeing the kids' daily routine and being a part of what they were learning in school. The teacher used a smartboard to teach but that was as high tech as she got. One of my teachers at HACC always showed us videos related to class material. One that I found interesting was people's lack of really paying attention to things around them, called change blindness.

I was fascinated by this phenomena when my teacher showed this clip in class. I think technology in the classroom is a great idea. I know it helps me learn and in our world of technology it only makes sense that we are teaching children how to use it as well as have it in the classroom. My friend's daughter's class has an iPad station in her classroom which I thought was very clever! I am very passionate about teaching and it seems as though technology is making it easier to teach students which makes me excited to learn myself so I can use it in my classroom!